Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Raptor: Call of the Shadows

Soo.. another day or so till the test. Illness can be time consuming. Oh well, I'm not really in any hurry to get the test done.. I just hate hurrying up to wait.

Meanwhile I am about to play an old game called Raptor: Call of the Shadows. I don't know if any of you guys have ever heard of it but it's old vertical-scrolling shoot-em-up game made back in 1994. Why am I playing this ancient thing? Well it was a great game.. and I had a case of nostalgia the other day and I just had to find it and play it again.

Anyone remember Duke Nukem? And not Duke Nukem 3D.. I mean the first three (I think there were three) side-scrolling shoot-em-ups? I seriously fell in love with those back in the day.. they came with 3D and I kind of liked them more in some ways :P. I managed to find that CD and am going to try to play that one too.

Seems like it's retro game Wednesday for me lol. Thank you guys for reading! ^_^


  1. ah yes i remember the origianl duke nukems. good times.

  2. the first three duke nuke'ems were among the first games i ever played

  3. I haven't ever played it! I'll have to now!

  4. I'm gonna fire up my emulator and bust this one out. Sounds fun!

  5. I remember Duke, not the other game though. My favorite retro game is Galaga. Played it just last week I think, right on a classic NES no less. Good times.

  6. Couldn't find an e-mail on your site, so I figured I'd just leave a comment right quick. Feel free to delete it.

    That aside, I saw this and it made me think of you.!5755644/the-worlds-most-delicious-starcraft-ii-player-offers-you-tasty-fruit

  7. xD! Fruit Dealer.. on the corner with the gray fruit of the loom hoodie lol. Loved it dude.

    Dunno how he is so good when he only practices 3-4 hours a day. o_0

  8. download an emulator of your favorite old school console and experience nostalgia all day

  9. Man, I yearn for those days when everything was new.

  10. Tyrian was an awesome game like raptor if you haven't tried it.

  11. I think gamers are the most nostalgic people in existance.

  12. the first duke nukems were amazing, good times

  13. I played the original duke nukem, but I would't probably return to that. I don't want to ruin my memories of it.

  14. the old duke nukems were good. i like old school gaming sometimes.

  15. Retro game day...I like the idea. I always start playing old games in phases and then stop and pick em up a few months later
